Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Hormonal changes after radiotherapy treatment for NPC

There will be a NPC meeting at NUH hospital at Tower Block at Level 7 between 1.30p.m to 4.30p.m Come and listen to Dr. Koh (Associate Consultant in Endocrine Medicine) as she talks on the possible hormonal changes of the pituitary and thyroid glands and signs and symptoms of the dysfunction. This talk will be useful to newly diagnosed patients and cancer survivors who had completed their radiotherapy treatments. There will be translation from English to Mandarin if necessary. Admission is free.


  1. The date is 6th August on Saturday.

  2. Good news. 59 people have registered! Free admission. Come and join us. We can cater for 70 people. Hurry.

  3. There was a good turnout last week and 25 people have signed up for next month public forum on 25sept
